Pulse and the UK Building Regulations
As a critical next step in the introduction of the test method, Build Test Solutions are seeking recognition of Pulse as an approved air permeability test procedure in accordance with Regulation 43 of the UK Building Regulations.
Originally developed by a team of researchers at the University of Nottingham, the BTS Pulse air permeability measurement device offers a compressed air based means of measuring building air leakage at low pressures. It is this ability to measure at a low, 4 Pascal, pressure that is the most innovative aspect of the system and for the first time, unlocks an affordable and practical means of measuring air leakage characteristics at pressures that are representative of real world conditions.
By measuring leakage directly at 4 Pa, it is our strong belief that as an industry we stand to better understand the true air leakage characteristics of buildings. This can in turn better inform both new building and retrofit design, ultimately improving ventilation system specification and indoor air quality standards.
In December 2018, we put forward a series of independent test reports to the UK Government concerning the accuracy, repeatability and operational effectiveness of the Pulse technology. These reports have been the subject of numerous working group discussions over the past 8 months but we are now pleased to share these exact same documents with the wider industry.
To download the full Pulse evidence pack submitted to the UK Government, please click here.
Within this pack is the culmination of a programme of intensive field work and third party scrutiny, including:
- A report by the National Physics Laboratory examining the underlying physics of the approach
- A write up of the findings from Pulse tested alongside the blower door fan method and tracer gas decay measurements in 108 different homes.
- Lab test reports composed by BRE, the UK Building Research Establishment
- BRE Global Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Statement of Verification and supporting reports.
We’re excited to share all of this hard work and hope to see Pulse feature as part of the eagerly anticipated 2019 UK Building Regulations consultation.
Please do get in touch should you have any questions or feedback concerning these various reports.